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VOICES: River City, Episode 64: Feed the Pigs

Much like police forces across the nation, the violent Sacramento Police Department costs the city a whole lot of money. Just last year they had to pay out millions for killing Stephon Clark in his grandmother’s back yard, and then for illegally kettling and arresting demonstrators protesting against District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert’s refusal to press charges against the officers who ran into Clark’s yard and killed him.

So, naturally, the city of Sacramento is paying the cops even more this year. And they’re doing it with money that they promised would go to inclusive economic development during a global pandemic that has killed people and harmed small businesses.

Measure U revenue is down to $80 million, so the Sacramento Police Department is now getting fully half of the funding. Inclusive economic development spending—which should account for 50% (or $40 million)—is now down to $4 million (or 5%).

Adding to the fuckery, the city has not been allowing the Measure U citizens oversight committee to meet in the last few months. You know, the time of year that the city sets its budget.

We also discuss California continuing to open, despite concerns of new coronavirus cases throughout the state. If you’re reading this, Sacramento’s bars are now open. Are you going out for a cold one? Or will you join us in staying in for a bit longer?

Thanks for listening and, as always:


Twitter: @youknowkempa@guillotine4you@ShanNDSTevens@Flojaune

And thank you to Be Brave Bold Robot for the tunes.


VOICES: the podcast
Independent. Weird. Audio. The VOICES: River City podcast is here to talk all things Sacramento with the region's activists, artists and aardvarks.