
Write for us

Got something worthwhile to say about Sacramento? About California? Our awful president? We might be down to publish it. Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • Unique, funny, irreverent voices. If it’s weird, genuine and well-written, we want to give you a platform. We believe there is a veritable ocean of talent in this town and nowhere near enough publications to sustain it all.
  • Folks who punch up, not down. If you speak truth to power, and you speak it well, we want to hear what you’ve got to say. If you’re looking for a platform to complain about the homeless community, move the fuck on.
  • Spectrum-friendly reporting. Far too often, media outlets are overrepresented by the white, male demographic. We do not want that here. We’re striving for diversity on this platform in every sense of the word. That means voices from all genders, races, sexual orientations, economic backgrounds, etc. are encouraged to submit work.
  • Journalistic integrity and grit. This might be a big ask, given our budget. But if you’ve got real reporting that you feel needs to see the light of day, we want to help you make that happen.
  • Local. Sure, we’ll consider pieces on issues outside of Sacramento. But the further your focus gets from the Capital region, the better your work needs to be.
  • Multimedia. We’re not picky here at V:RC. If you’ve got some video, or audio, or photography, or a work of graphic art as commentary, we may be down to carry it–so long as you’re not using us as a platform for blatant advertising.

We want to pay our writers enough as soon as humanly possible. To honor that pledge as we launched the site, we started out by paying between $1 and $10 (in incremental payments, by submission) for essays and commentary. Today we can pay $20 for op-ed submissions and $30 for news and arts coverage. As we are not yet at a level commensurate to our writers’ abilities, they have every right to publish their works elsewhere.

It’s not much. We will pay more in the future (and hey, we’re already paying more than the Sacramento Bee’s op-ed section!). Please remember that anything you write for this site is yours to keep, publish elsewhere or essentially do whatever you want with.

For hardcore journalism, we are currently raising funding to pay writers for time, effort and expertise.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you. We love you. We’re not in love with you, but we love you.