The following is an excerpt from Silver Lining, a collection of creative works written by students in the advanced Find Your Voice workshop at Visions in Education. This workshop was completed in partnership with 916 Ink, a Sacramento nonprofit that transforms youth into confident writers and published authors who know the power of story.
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Andrea Botello Raya
Te toca en la mañana,
como si tuvieras un amigo;
placer, la luz del sol.
El reino todavía existe
para cualquiera que pueda encontrar el tiempo
para sentarse al sol y escuchar.
En un campo cubierto de hierbas,
sol secado en el centro de México,
donde se hizo la historia del pueblo,
viajamos al mundo antiguo para ver el arte vibrante de la Maya.
Reinos invisibles
todavía existimos
todavía existimos
todavía existimos.
Inspired by “The Word” by Tony Hoagland.
Andrea Botello Raya
It touches you in the morning
as if you had a friend;
pleasure, sunlight.
The kingdom still exists
to anyone who can find the time to sit out in the sun and listen.
In a grassy, sun-parched field in central México,
where history was made
We journey into the ancient world
to view the vibrant art of the Maya
Invisible kingdoms
we exist
we exist
we exist.
Inspired by “The Word“ by Tony Hoagland
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The Silver Lining book was funded by the National Endowment for the Arts. Printed copies will soon be available on the 916 Ink website.