Labor will win, with Andee Sunderland

Conflict is brewing at the Sacramento City Unified School District, where members of the teacher’s union (SCTA) and other school district workers (represented by SEIU 1021) are planning to strike Wednesday, if the school board does not adequately address their concerns. The demands from the unions are a little complicated, but after they were reviewed by a three-person panel that included a representative appointed by the district, a representative appointed by the teachers union and an independent member, the panel found their demands to be more than reasonable.

Signaling that they were fine with the strike moving forward, the district refused to meet with the unions this past weekend. They agreed to meet with teachers on Monday afternoon and, in an astounding snub to the rest of the district’s workers, pushed back any negotiations with SEIU 1021 until March 30–a full six school days into the strike. 

The SCUSD school board appears reluctant to speak with press–they even snubbed the student journalists at CK McClatchy!–curious Sacramentans can always learn their reasoning by looking to the board’s mouthpiece: McClatchy’s California Opinion Editor, Marcos Breton. 

(Oh, and just for fun: Here’s the superintendent’s pay.) 

Speaking of unions, it appears that SEIU 1000 has finally extricated president Richard Louis Brown from its headquarters after he and a gaggle of supporters took the building two weekends ago, changed the locks, and proceeded to wreak havoc. Not only that, a Sacramento Superior Court judge has ordered him to respect his temporary suspension and to stop exercising his powers as president of the mammoth union. What’s next in these two big labor stories?

Time will tell. 

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And thank you to Be Brave Bold Robot for the tunes.


VOICES: the podcast
Independent. Weird. Audio. The VOICES: River City podcast is here to talk all things Sacramento with the region's activists, artists and aardvarks.