Hey, California: it’s time to teach all your No Party Preference friends how to vote in the Democratic primary!
In this ~red alert~ episode, we discuss the state’s new process for NPP voters to participate in the Democratic presidential primary next March. Since they make up some 26.7% of all registered voters in the state (there are about 600,000 more of them than Republicans, for context), this voting bloc has a chance to make massive waves in the primary. So give this a listen, get out there, and get your NPP friends and family signed up.
We also discuss global class solidarity and why it makes sense for the working class to collectively ‘meddle’ in politics throughout the world. Got a friend in the UK? Reach out, tell them about the violent future they could face in a Tory-led UK, in which they sell their nationalized health care system to the United States. And then tell them to vote for Jeremy Corbyn and Labour this Thursday.
We have very special outro song this week with El Gato’s “Febreze the Means.” The intro, as always, is the lovely Be Brave Bold Robot.