Most northern Californians are nearing their one-month anniversary of sheltering in place, and it’s beginning to show. Not just in unkempt hair and lack of pants, but also in how we’ve come to interact with our new universe.
But some things never change.
This week we discuss how Sacramento police ruthlessly continue to terrorize the homeless community, despite the CDC and other public health experts recommending that law enforcement allow people without housing to shelter in place during the coronavirus pandemic, no matter where they happen to be. This strikes us as a failure in governance, and culpability goes all the way to the top.
Governor Gavin Newsom may be benefitting from a rally-around-the-flag moment, but his promises to shelter the homeless community remain unfulfilled. The population largely remains unhoused. Meanwhile, Sacramento County’s Board of Supervisors has found just 221 motel rooms for the region’s homeless community, and won’t be getting folks into them until mid-April, which will mark the apex of the state’s coronavirus curve. Mayor Darrell Steinberg and city council remain silent on Sac PD’s vile behavior against unhoused folks. Same goes for Sacramento Police Chief Daniel Hahn, as well as City Manager Howard Chan, who oversees the police department.
Fed up? Be sure to contact these elected officials and let them know that you don’t approve of Sac PD’s behavior.
On a brighter note, Californians are doing their part in the fight against COVID-19 and staying at home. This is illustrated in the state’s promising patterns in hospital visits and confirmed cases, as well as projection models. Keep staying at home, everyone. You’re saving lives! Thanks for listening and, as always:
Twitter: @youknowkempa, @guillotine4you, @ShanNDSTevens, @Flojaune
And thank you to Be Brave Bold Robot for the tunes.