Maps: JUMP Bike service areas and regional poverty/race demographics

The Sacramento Atlas Project is a website dedicated to using maps and spatial analysis as a means to start meaningful conversations in the Sacramento region.

This week, Sac Atlas overlaid the region’s JUMP Bike service area onto maps showing Sacramento’s poverty rates by neighborhood and racial demographics from the 2010 census.

Jump bike regions served in Sacramento, by poverty rates. 

Note that JUMP provides service in the central city, stretching east into more affluent neighborhoods (as well as rapidly gentrifying Oak Park) and west into West Sacramento (poverty rates not provided).

To the south, service ends just below the more affluent Land Park but doesn’t serve South Sacramento. To the north, it stops on the edge of the Downtown/midtown central grid, and does not stretch into the Del Paso Heights or South Natomas areas. These areas have higher rates of poverty than those within the JUMP jurisdiction.

Neighborhood racial representation (2010 census) overlaid by Jump bike service reach.

Regarding racial representation in Sacramento, JUMP appears to provide services in mostly white neighborhoods in East Sacramento, Land Park and Downtown. It does have service in Southside Park, which has a strong Asian population, and Oak Park near the central grid — again, an area experiencing rapid gentrification.

West Sacramento’s JUMP Bike areas appear to serve a more widely diverse community.


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Sacramento Atlas Project
Sacramento was built at the confluence of two rivers, and is a confluence where other forces also meet; different kinds of people, beliefs, actions, and influences come together to shape this city in the valley. The Sac Atlas Project was created with the purpose of exposing some of these forces and stories at play, using maps, spatial analysis and questions as tools for getting conversations started.